Harsh Truth: Change Won’t Happen Unless YOU Do the Work!

Here’s another of my harsh truth moments… But first, I want to give a BIG shout out to the ladies in my Mastermind because they’re AMAZING! The positive change that I’m seeing in each and every one of them is phenomenal.

Trust Your Inner Guidance: Your Body Knows the Truth

I was talking with one of the members inside my Ascension Temple membership this morning… and we were talking about the dark spells and subliminal programming that is inserted into movies. We both agreed that we can “feel” when there is something slightly off in a movie and we can’t watch them. Not just the scary or horror movies…. But any of the movies that contain a negative agenda. Are you the same?

When You Know Your Worth, You Settle for Nothing Less

I’m going to make a pretty radical statement…. And say, that when you have low self worth, there is no area of your life that is as good as it could be. It’s simple… when you have low self worth, you settle for less. Less in your business, your relationships, your health…. And then you have less pleasure, less joy and fulfilment, less abundance and actually less peace in your heart.

Remembering Our Divine Human Blueprint and Unveiling Hidden Truths

As part of a team of ground crew, I am here to help to build and anchor the template for the creation of the New Earth. In order to do that, it is imperative that only the higher frequency concepts are instilled into that new field and that is why I am so compelled to bust myths, to red pill and to point out the false light teachings

Navigating Change, Truth, and Your Divine Path

This has been a week of very deep reflection and intense emotion. At times, I've felt deep grief, fear, confusion, abandonment and an unshakeable restlessness. For what, I didn't quite know… until it became clearer to me today, in meditation.

Guiding Souls from 3D to 7D and Beyond

In ancient times, I worked in the temples, using oils to anoint the body as people transitioned from one stage of life to another. In modern days, people might automatically think of this as being a death doula, but that wasn’t exactly what I did.

Embracing Intensity and Awakening to Your True Self

I'm developing a fascinating relationship with the word "intense"… Seriously, I could use it almost every time I write or do a video about the current energies that we are experiencing here in this reality right now. When you hear/read the word "intense", what do YOU feel?

Embrace The Shift and Let Go of the Old

I'm witnessing timelines falling apart all over the place at the moment… People are desperately trying to "hold on" to what was… but it's over. The time for that has come and gone. Things that were created in their "hey-day" can't be recreated in this time now. That's the past already.

Ready To Claim More Wealth And Abundance But Don’t Know How?

I was ready for years before I actually worked out how to claim it myself and this is the number one thing that my clients say to me too… they’re ready to step up to the next level of abundance, yet something is holding them back and they don’t know what it is.

AI Can’t Replace Genuine Human Connection

There’s something very disconcerting about receiving a message on LinkedIn (which I never use now BTW), from someone that I actually know in real life, saying… “LinkedIn’s matchmaking skills brought us together, and I’m excited to see where this connection leads! …..” (followed by a lengthy who she is, what she does, and how she can help me in my business)

Universal Laws, Your Purpose and Alignment

I remember feeling completely shocked to the core (and hugely disappointed) when I discovered that so many of the New Age and spiritual teachings were corrupt, distorted, and reverse coded. I felt lost. I felt abandoned. And I felt like giving up… because I knew there was “something” that I was searching for…

Understanding Earth’s Shift to 5D

I don't follow the woke climate change agenda in any way … but let me just say that when this Earth was Tara (the 5D level of Earth) there was water in places that we don't currently have water.

Helping Humanity Grow and Activate the Lightbody

A timeline shift in the collective has become apparent in recent weeks and it is very clear to me personally that this shift has affected me in big and exciting ways. Naturally, my work is shifting too, to reflect this.

Where To Find Yourself

(Original article dated: 19 August 2022) The more I turn inward, the more I find myself. The more I unsubscribe and unfollow other people, the more I find my own truth. My own path. The more I shut down the outside noise, the more I can hear the voice of my Soul. The voice of

Remember Who You Truly Are and Why You’re Here

Do you remember who you truly are? It will come as no surprise to you when I say that “You are here for a reason” and that many people are feeling a calling now, at this time, more strongly than they ever have before. Is there a stirring inside of you too? It’s undeniable, isn’t it?

My Journey to Find the Right Coach

The first time I paid “a lot” of money to do a live training I was really disappointed to find that there were 90 people in the room when I was told there would be 20. The first time I did an online group coaching (which I also paid a lot of money for) I was also disappointed to find that there were 968 people in the group. Yes, 968!

Release What No Longer Serves You and Align with Your True Path

I can’t remember a time of such (organic) energetic intensity… Despite having been on a spiritual awakening path for some 30 years, what I experienced the other night was WAAAAAYYYY beyond anything I’ve been through consciously for a really long time…

Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Abundance?

Do you believe you deserve to live a happy and healthy life and have all the money that you want…? I do… But in my experience, I have seen that it doesn’t just naturally drop into our lap. Nope. We have “to work for it”.

Change Your Relationship With Money to Create An Amazing Life

Do “money” and “spirituality” go together? I think this has always been a challenge for healers, and for spiritual folk in general, to find a place where they are comfortable to put the two together. If I had $10 for each person who has told me over the years that I shouldn’t charge for my healing work, well… I’d be rich!!

Have You Experienced The Truth Shivers?

I have. It happens most often for me in client sessions… when I know without doubt that I am ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about something that I am seeing for them (or know about them and what they’re here to do). And when I know I’m right — I tell them that I’m right and I STRESS that I am ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

What You Can Expect As Part of Your Awakening and Ascension Process

You might be aware that the energies have really been ramping up here big time of late. Lots of people are struggling as the polarity is increasing and for anyone who has not done sufficient inner work to be able to tolerate these new energies, it can feel like you are being burned at the stake — literally and metaphorically.

AI — Is It Your Friend or Is It The End?

Have you ever watched a movie and said to a friend: “What if that’s true? What if they’re trying to tell us something?” If you have, chances are your friend might have said something like: “Oh don’t be silly, it’s just a movie!!!” Haha… Yes of course… but IS it “just a movie”….?

A Message to Unscrupulous Healers

The bottom line is: Please don’t think that you can learn how to de-program an MK Ultra/Project Monarch victim/client, by asking someone you don’t know and have never met, a few questions on Messenger. It’s dangerous. You could cause more harm to that person and it’s just not professional to do this. Just admit that it’s not your area of expertise and let the person go and find someone who is experienced and can genuinely help them…

Awaken From Spiritual Deception and Distorted Teachings

Since my awakening in about 1992 I’ve studied all manner of things — many different spiritual paths, healing techniques, and modalities — and various dogmas and beliefs which I have successfully extracted myself from once I realised the distortions inherent within them.

Do You Consider Yourself Psychic? Or Would You Like To Be?

People often say to me that they’d like to be psychic but they don’t think they are. Well, I believe that “being psychic” is a fundamental ability that all humans possess as we evolve, but that it’s been largely conditioned out of us as part of living in this 3D matrix.

Unlock Your True Creative Power

Have you heard people say that “we are Creator Gods”? We are! Well technically we are not “Gods” — there is only one Creator God — we are aspects of God and we are creators… But people like to play with words and make it sound something grand eh? Anyway — we are creators. We have the ability to create.

Activate and Unlock Your Multidimensional DNA

Let’s be clear here… when I talk about Ascension, I am not talking about rising up and leaving this planet... This is not about the rapture!!!! Ascension is spiritual awakening… It’s the expanding of consciousness…

Why Am I Suddenly Talking About Ascension?

Well actually, there is no “sudden” about it. I have been teaching this since around 2006 and honestly, it’s been hard waiting for people to wake up… People weren’t ready to hear this back then… it was far too woo… but due to our current time cycle and planetary frequency changes I think people are ready now. Are you?

Aligning With The 5D New Earth

The frequency of this 3D Earth is increasing as it progresses towards merging its field with 5D Tara to become the New Earth. Those who are trying to rigidly hold on to the old systems of control and domination, are VERY uncomfortable right now and are pulling out all the stops in a bid to maintain their positions of control over the people, the earth, and its energy matrix AND quite frankly, to try to stop or divert the natural organic process of ascension in this current stellar activation cycle.

Now Is The Time

Wanna know what’s exciting me right now? Oooh…. I bet you do! Well, it’s simple. What I’m seeing is alignment. More and more of my fellow teachers, healers, and lightworkers coming into alignment with THEIR truth and ACTIVATING their unique gifts and talents…

There’s a Shift Happening Right Now…

Inevitably there’ll be many more because this is naturally the time cycle that we’re in right now… So, let’s call this one a little Alignment Shift… What I’m seeing happening, and what I’m experiencing myself too, is a complete realignment in many different aspects of life. What we once liked, we no longer like. What

Do You Believe We Are Stuck Here, Trapped in a 3D Matrix?

I’m always hearing people say that this world is a heavy place to be… and that they want to get out of here. I get their point, but I see it quite differently. I’m actually excited for the future that we are creating. I see this life experience as offering us a series of choice points.

Breaking Free From the Pressures to Conform

Have you ever had that feeling, like you’re being squeezed into a box and you have to conform…? I’ve had that a few times in my life and each time I managed to extract myself, the feeling that came afterwards was like a breath of fresh air.

Are You Being REAL and AUTHENTIC?

Or are you more of an actor playing a role? Becoming the real authentic version of yourself is a journey of bravery. When you start on the path of personal development work, or certainly, when you get to the real deep stuff, you begin to realise that some of your behaviours are not really who you are — or who you want to be.

Embracing Your Authentic Self

The day I finally STOPPED resisting my Soul Purpose and who I truly am was the day I STARTED to receive wealth, abundance, joy, peace and fulfilment into my life. What does manifestation and authenticity have in common? EVERYTHING

What’s Stopping You From Manifesting Your Dream Life?

When it comes to manifesting what we want in life, one of the biggest mistakes I see people make is that of being “desperate” to manifest. Sure they say all the right things – “everything I want comes to me effortlessly”, “I easily attract my perfect for me soul mate clients”, “money flows into my bank account easily” and all of that…

Dismantling Everything To Uncover The Truth

Years ago, I made a Declaration to Spirit, that I wanted to live my life in Truth and that I wanted to see and learn to recognise everything that was Un-Truth. This began the unexpected process of dismantling my life. My marriage ended. Friendships ended. And many of my spiritual beliefs fell apart too.

Abundance Is Your Birthright — It’s Yours To Receive

Do you love the idea of manifestation but get really TURNED OFF by all the ostentatious bullsh*t that you see all over social media from some of the manifestation gurus? Are you telling me you don’t dream of owning a yacht or a beachfront mansion? !!!!

Want To Know How Energies Work AND How to Protect Yourself at All Times?

I have to tell you this… even though I don’t really want to go there… Did you know that it’s possible to pick up (so-called) negative, or unwanted energy, from participating in a meditation circle, a drumming or chanting circle, cacao ceremony or actually… any spiritual gathering at all to be honest…

The Top 3 Things Holding You Back From Manifesting Your Dream Life.

If I were to ask a room full of women: “Who wants to manifest their dream life?” I’m pretty sure nobody would put their hand up and say: “No thanks, that’s not for me”. So we could say that all of them want their dream life but they are still at varying stages of actually manifesting it. Would you say that’s true for you too?

Do You Have a Love/Hate Relationship With Money?

I admit that for quite a long period of time I did. Actually to be honest, I hated talking about or having to deal with money. I had money, but I had a terrible fear that I would lose it all or that it would all be taken away from me and I’d end up homeless on the streets.

The Love of Money

Many people have a love/hate relationship with money. It’s one of the subjects that people get very uncomfortable with and statistically is the subject that causes more arguments between couples than any other.

Do You Have A Love/hate Relationship With Yourself?

You’d be surprised how many people do. When everything’s going well in our lives, it’s easy to love ourselves.  We feel good and everything feels possible for us. But along comes a full moon, a retrograde planet, our monthly cycle, an unkind word and suddenly our whole world seems to go to hell in a handbasket and we start hating life and hating ourselves. Maybe hate is too strong a word… but we all know what it’s like to feel like crap, and then those old sneaky destructive thoughts start to creep in.

girl boss

Are You Creating What You Don’t Really Want in Life?

So there you are, saying all the right affirmations and gazing at the images of piles of money on your vision board and yet nothing is happening to bring that money in. You’re trying to have all the feels for money… trying to imagine yourself on a yacht somewhere lavish in the South of France maybe. But nope… nothings coming in and your bank account is looking bleak. Are you one of these women who can’t bear to look at your credit card statement or has no idea how much money you really have (or don’t have)?