I remember ancient times… in Atlantis… on one of the last remaining land masses of Lemuria (what is now Kauai, Hawaii).
They came for our men. The men that held the Divine code of the Christos races.
And I witnessed many of my people, the women with the higher DNA templates and the Lemurian matriarchal lineage, be coerced to agree to things that they really didn’t want to agree to. But they thought they had no choice.
They were told, that “if they do this….” then the men’s lives will be saved. So they went along with it. They were trying to save their loved ones.
But then they found out that they’d been tricked.
The people they were trying to save were killed anyway, and their DNA was harvested and used by the Controllers.
They wanted to kill off the Divine Masculine and interbreed themselves through the Divine Feminine to become a superior race.
A massacre occurred on Kauai then and it has occurred again in recent times too. They are replaying a timeline.
and the attack on the Divine Masculine continues…
and the stripping away of the matriarchal lineage continues too…
as does the harvesting and manipulation of our DNA.
Can you see how the Controllers are trying to re-enact the Atlantean timeline all over again?
They are continuously bringing out new ways to try to destroy our DNA — the DNA of the Angelic Human and consequently to destroy our connection to Source.
I am passionate about freedom and sovereignty — probably because I have witnessed so much of the opposite.
I remember it like it was yesterday…. Because it’s written in my cellular memory and I have access to it.
EVERYTHING is in our DNA. Our POWER is in our DNA and that’s why it is so highly sought after by those beings who are disconnected from the Divine and covet what we have, that, which they can NEVER have.
But that is why, finding our inner strength and protecting our precious vessel is so important. That’s why protecting our health is so important.
We need to find our inner strength because when we really KNOW who we are on the inside we become impenetrable and invincible.
This is a spiritual and psychological war that we are in, and we cannot afford to be weak willed, tricked or coerced EVER AGAIN.
In order to become fully embodied and anchor the necessary frequencies in our body to experience the New Earth, we are required to heal ourselves.
Not stay in a pit of despair and powerlessness against those that seek to govern and destroy us;
Not ignore what wants to come up to be seen and witnessed — so that it can be healed;
Not ignore that stirring inside of you when your Soul tells you that it’s time to wake up to a new level;
and not to allow ourselves to be distracted by all of the temptations that this matrix offers us by way of comfort and convenience. That is a matrix trap!
Ascension is a choice. It’s also a word that scares people.
So no, I’m not talking about the rapture, or going away to live in a monastery or leaving this planet in a spaceship (which seriously IS being suggested by some ET groups via people on SM BTW… )
No, Ascension is about a spiritual awakening. It is about a frequency and the change in focus of our consciousness.
Ascension is about moving our consciousness from one reality or dimension of reality to another.
Living here in this matrix is living in one level of reality.
But multiple levels of reality exist in the same space!
If you can shift your frequency and consciousness to a different level, you will have a whole different experience of reality right here.
That’s ascension!
In order to achieve that (and hold it) though, we must heal ourselves and release all of the lower density traumas that we have experienced and that are still locked into our bodies, both consciously and unconsciously. And that’s the inner work that we need to do.
If you’re ready and if you’d like to know more (and begin to uncover your ancient experiences), then take a look at what I offer inside the New Earth Ascension Temple.