Have you ever had a creational thought and absolutely believed that it would manifest immediately? As if, by the mere fact that you had that thought and saw that vision that it would all happen exactly as you saw it, in just a blink of an eye. On some level of consciousness it has quite possibly already been created, but how do we put enough energy into it for it to become manifest here in the physical?
I’m sure we’ve all felt our own limitless potential at times. It perhaps came in a dream or in meditation, or in a flash vision that showed us that “we could be great at something”, that we could have an “amazing life” or that “we could make a difference in the world”. In those moments we felt so inspired and sure that we could go out and create and become that person that we saw ourselves to be in the moment of that vision and yet, for the most part we haven’t actually gone out and done anything about that at all.
Have you noticed that many people are being inspired to make great changes lately? We are in a most pivotal time in our history and there is a very definite momentum moving us collectively through continual paradigm shifts, spiritual initiations and universal opportunities to expand mass consciousness at a global level.
Sometimes clients come to me in a state of unexplained PTSD - they cannot find traumatic experiences in their lifetime that would explain why they are feeling as they do. There seems to be no cause for it - good childhood, no trauma, no abuse, no serious shock - and yet their nervous system is fragile, they often have chronic fatigue/adrenal fatigue, are anxious, stressed and in a constant state of fight and flight (sometimes even in freeze).
A lovely lady came to me recently for hypnosis as she had been feeling really anxious, worried and unsettled about her life. Her marriage had gone through some challenging times recently and she had not been able to feel settled since. She is also the mother of three young children and has no family nearby to help her.
An opportunity to step on to a new timeline is here for all of us right now and it is so palpable that we can be left in no doubt of it’s arrival or presence in our life. Many of us are feeling pushed to step up and step out and we may feel very much out of our comfort zone through this time if we try to analyse and think our way through it. We know from past cycles of growth, that to achieve best results we should feel and be guided, or “think” through our heart’s feelings.
We've all experienced what it feels like to be completely overwhelmed at one time or another.
For most of us that feeling passes when things settle down a bit and we have time to ourselves to take a breath and let go.
We are moving forward collectively on to a whole new timeline which carries huge potential and offers us amazing opportunities and if we choose to take on this growth it will require some re-calibration in areas of our life.
Our choices dictate whether we smoothly become part of this consciousness flow, whether we get a little buffeted on the edge of the flow or whether we attempt to swim against the flow and this choice will be made both consciously and unconsciously because often we don’t exactly know what we are getting ourselves into when we choose to participate with something new but there is often a feeling like we just have to do it anyway.
In a therapy session Forgiveness can be an interesting point.
- Some people really WANT to forgive their hurter and others don't...
- Some feel OBLIGED to forgive... we have all heard so many times that we SHOULD forgive that..