
It’s So Frustrating To Feel Stuck Isn’t it?

It’s so frustrating to feel stuck isn’t? And so annoying when someone asks you why you’re stuck! Aaagggrrr….   if you knew why you’re stuck, you wouldn’t be stuck right?! Well, Yes and No.  There’s some truth to that but it’s not quite so cut and dried. The truth is that a part of you does actually know why you’re stuck but you either can’t access that part; you know it but don’t know what to do about it; OR you’re afraid to face it (for a host of different reasons). Ask me how I know?    You guessed it.  I’ve been there.  (Many times actually). PLUS, I’ve seen it time and again with my clients.
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Timelines and Choices

In this reading I'm talking about - this current timeline and the choices that we are making now. - vibrational alignment. - that you are the Source of your Abundance. - and how you have everything you need already inside of you. DM me if you're feeling stuck, lost or if you need a helping hand to clear limiting beliefs or raise your vibration so that you can tune in to who you truly are.
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Do You Dare To Step Away?

We can think that unless we’re on top of our game every single second of every single day that the social media algorithms will kick in and we’ll sink to the bottom of the scrap heap.  Never to be seen again. We have to keep up with everything.  Social media presence.  Emailing our list.  Coming up with new classes, courses, products… new ways to find or attract our perfect clients. I feel exhausted just thinking about it all, and honestly, I feel that it can get a bit like trying to keep up with the Joneses all the time.
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Change Can Bring Sadness?

When we change our life there is sometimes sadness experienced as we let go of the old. It's a necessary part of the process... don't let it hold you back.
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The Time To Align Is Now!

My thoughts, feelings and sensing of these current energies and this timeline that is collapsing now. What are you aligned to? Light or Darkness?
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How to be successful and get the results you want.

What do successful people know about achieving results that the rest of us don't know? Why do some people have habits of never completing what they start? Discover how your mind works for you or against you and why you never get where you want to be.
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Your Money Blocks are not about Money

Contrary to popular belief, your money blocks are not about money. They're about something else entirely. Want to know more? DM me with "Help I have Money Blocks" and I'll give you some steps to take to start identifying what your money blocks are and where they came from.
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Change: Do you Love it or Hate it?

You try to buy yourself some extra time and keep moving the date at which you’ll make this change. Or you hope things will just get better all on their own, or that the other person in the relationship will make the decision and save you from having to say anything… until suddenly 2, or 5, or even 10 years have passed and you’re still stuck. You haven’t followed your heart. You’re not living in joy. You’re just treading water waiting for something to happen to make it all better. But usually it’s just getting worse.
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